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The Greeks were big fans of Persephone, the Spring goddess, but they weren't too happy about Persephone, the queen of the Underworld. Spring was all about new life, good food, and lovely weather – everyone's favorite time. But come winter, when crops withered, they pointed fingers at Persephone. Sure, she's victim of a kidnapping and all, but her stint as Hades' queen made everyone connect her with the chilly season, and that didn't sit right with the Greeks.


Your strength lies in your remarkable flexibility. In challenging situations, you excel in finding multiple perspectives and adapting to changing circumstances. Your co-parenting dynamic benefits from your ability to take on different roles and handle a variety of situations. You're able to see things others can't and because of this, you have a unique take on things.

However, much like Persephone's boundary fluidity, your approach might sometimes lack clarity, leading to misunderstandings. You may avoid taking a clear stance and might even pussyfoot around issues, occasionally causing bitterness in your co-parenting interactions, This can show itself as inconsistency in your thoughts, feelings or approach which can also give mixed signals.

In just 20 mins. we'll unlock the secret to making your coparenting skills


Ready to see respect for you BLOOM without your boundaries withering?

Embrace your ability to transform and adapt, as it's a unique strength in co-parenting. By adding more clarity and setting healthy boundaries, you'll create a co-parenting journey that truly thrives, much like Persephone's ability to harmonize two contrasting realms.
To enhance your co-parenting experience, consider working on your ability to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs more directly. Just as Persephone's transformation led to a balanced existence, finding a balance between flexibility and clear communication is key.